The Verge: ‘You should be playing Music League’

Liz Lopatto on the Spotify-based game, Music League:

Music League makes music social in a way that social media algorithms, ironically, do not. Every league I am in has a group chat that erupts when a new playlist drops, and again when the votes are in. The comments on the songs are often very funny and might be my favorite part of the game.

The short version of how it works: Each session contains a text-based prompt for music (e.g. tracks with a good bass line), you anonymously submit one or more songs, then the league votes on submissions.

Your mileage may vary on the social aspect — the groups I’ve been in have not been quite as chatty — but it’s definitely a great way to push yourself to experience more music. Personally, I’ve found myself using it more as nostalgia digging, revisiting work I enjoyed earlier, and the right prompt can really put a huge variety of new work in front of you.