
I’m embarking on a project I’ve been thinking about for more than a decade — I’m starting a blog in 2024.

There’s a lot of chatter about starting (and restarting) blogs these days. Some of my favorites: Louie Mantia’s plain and direct instructions for getting started, Anil Dash once again reminding us about the opportunity of being free of platforms, and of course Jason Kottke just carrying the torch this whole time.

It finally hit a solid rolling boil this spring watching old RSS feeds alight once more with people’s words and the drumbeat of those revolutionizing the media through blog posts. It had me checking in on some of my blogroll of the early aughts to see whether they’ve been coming back — some have, some never left.

So here I am, putting my shingle out, either a decade too late or maybe right on time.

In the pandemic, I had the opportunity to be deeply observant of my local neighborhood keeping up a (now-defunct) site of businesses, and I’ve missed that habit along with the general fun of tinkering with websites by extension. I’m hoping to do all that here in addition to quick linkposts of things that catch my attention around the web.

Pardon the dust as things get started; I literally created the repo today. RSS and the website are functional right now, and I’ll get to refining and building out some of the features that have been in my mind here these past dozen or more years.

As I close, I’m also reminded of the classic Field Notes tagline: “I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now.” Recently, I understood the words more deeply, and they’re resonating with me these days.

I’ll see you out there on the web.